This poem is written to my dear brother who's sick and has anorexia... I love you.. I need you..

To my beloved brother

Dear brother
I can see your walking
down the dark cold hall
your face is so pale
I will catch you when you fall

It's so sad 'cause
your eyes has lost their faith
do we have time
or is it too late

It's true that I really
miss your smile
please come sit with your sister
for a while

We worry each day and
your family needs you here
everyone cares for you
do we need to feel fear

Today I can see that your feeling
really bad
and do you know what
this shit makes me so sad

Dear brother of mine
understand me when i explain
I'll be here for you
through sun and rain

Poetry by Foolish
Read 816 times
Written on 2006-01-24 at 12:37

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When pain is to be borne, a little courage helps more than knowledge, a little human sympathy more than much knowledge, and the least tincture of God's love, more than all. A truly heart felt poem!

Celtic boy
This really got to me so much.
I hope and pray your brother finds strength to fight his illness.