Observing my daughter, nature and a magical lunar eclipse.

The Innocence

They wake to the daylight of school and task

The morning passes with breath eyes wide

Games on the lawn amusing each other

Balls and bats and dizzy excitement

The little girl squeaks ‘hey what’s your name’

And soon enough they run and play

The bell rings and they’re home again

Then a walk to the sand where castles appear

Daylight leaves now for a moment of darkness

Then a moon turns red and the gulls are nervous

No instinct to comfort them not known before

The water calms to an eerie mirror

Mouths open breathing still, still breathing

We draw on memory of our own innocence

Then smile as that thought nurtures our growth

The colour has gone now its time to dream

Till wakefulness brings another day another breath

Poetry by Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 968 times
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Written on 2009-01-18 at 04:18

Tags Children  Nature  Eclipse 

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