After the many years some lovers are becoming as a friends They are not in love but cherish each other by every breath of beautiful memoires that they cannot forget . in another phenomena of life things are going on.this poems i am dedicated..M&P,, A&V

Front of the colour of friendship

We met each other at early age of in our life
I knew...
We are the friends that never been apart
Once I wonder why...
Nobody wants to see us together
We played together.
We loved each other.
We cherished each other
Our friend ship was real for us

Many are said that.
They will never win their friend ship
Because it's fragile

They don't... The enemy
They will be never know
What does mean true closeness?

I asked...
What does mean unconditional love?
Is that mean been together
Is that been apart?
Does that hate each other?
Is that marrying each other?


Assisting is the golden rule of friendship
We are following the golden rule
We won the our friendship
The enemy they failed
Front of the colour friendship
We are friends

Forever and forever...

O.W.Palitha Ariyarathna
Copyright,O.W. Palitha Ariyarathna . 2009
All Rights Reserved By Author: 2009

Words by Palitha Ariyarathna
Read 540 times
Written on 2009-02-13 at 08:56

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