The doctor of love

Darling where is you?
I look for you everywhere
There is a sore in my heart
It's paining...
It's paining deeply...
One aeon of suffering
Still continue...
Doctors are saying...
Find you for me to heal
You're the doctor
That who know how to cure me
The medicine of love
The medicine of beauty
The medicine of care
Among you all the time
You have gone
You have leave
You have hid
You have forget
The true love of you
I am here...
In Endless time
At Endless universal
I am blind
I am blind by your love
I couldn't find you
The doctor of love
Come and save my heart
I am helpless....

O.W.Palitha Ariyarathna
Copyright,O.W. Palitha Ariyarathna . 2009
All Rights Reserved By Author: 2009

Poetry by Palitha Ariyarathna
Read 988 times
Written on 2009-07-21 at 09:45

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