Infinity of time and souls

Its amazing in universal manner all things getting old and we may gone through incarnation but the love we shared or the first look that seen in our eyes are never change. After we died we may follow each one as a soul mate or as soul group... (this is and quick poem that I wrote while I am having a small brake form my duty,19-06-2009)

Infinity of time and souls

Counting the days...
Counting the weeks...
Counting the years...
I am towards aging...
By seconds by seconds
My love to you is still young
Still pure as a the first day we met
My sweet heart...remember that
At the face of death
I still love you...
And remember you
so It's sure...that
I will follow you behind in the infinity of time and souls

O.W.Palitha Ariyarathna
Copyright,O.W. Palitha Ariyarathna . 2009
All Rights Reserved By Author: 2009

Poetry by Palitha Ariyarathna
Read 1006 times
Written on 2009-06-19 at 14:23

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Malin Johansson
This was a very beautiful poem!
With alot of strength in it, with such few words!!

Kathy Lockhart
ah yes, a poem full of pathos. I am touched by its emotions.