Another acrostic

Lest They Flutter By...

Flying through my mind
Orbs of egocentricity find
Outlets in the form of poetry
Drifting words I once heard
Fleeting thoughts, ideas anew
Often come when least expected
Ready with pen and paper am I
To capture those wild butterflies
Hiding in a maze of memories
Onto my page they're trapped
Until lovingly tamed
Grouped together into lines
Honed and made legible
Then released again, reborn

Poetry by Purple Phoenix
Read 1283 times
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Written on 2009-04-14 at 07:48

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It's about time you made the front page with some of your stuff, and what better way to start than with this masterpiece!

Congratulations :-)))

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry website.

Enjoyed this read while waiting for my breakfast to settle. Food for thought and food for he soul. Delightful!

Wow! You've captured exactly what it means, to me, to be a poet! Definite A+B+F material!!! :-D.