it's just falling out of my head at the momment,sorry some does not make sence,and the rest is just complete jiberish..:O)

Birds song

You can be the freak inside my head
A bloody thought of undesirable dread
Speechless to the sarcasms
You scream overhead.

A desert of passion you have put me through
Empty and dry
With no songs
Of the birds that fly.

You have taken me to heaven
And dragged me through hell
Calling for poems
That I will never tell.

In belief that together we are strong
Sad to know our passions are wrong
Nobody cares where I belong
So let's not begin
Another bird's song.

Poetry by Nige
Read 1716 times
Written on 2009-06-16 at 15:35

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Malin Johansson
I liked this poem, it was different!!!

the flow in it kept me reading!!

melanie sue
Oh, I dunno....sounds like pretty cool jibberish to me. Anyway, I like it.

liz munro The PoetBay support member heart!

This makes perfect
sense and the open
stanza....grabs you like
a Hell hound and doesn't let
go until the end.

i LOVE this



Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
It makes complete sense; keep letting it out, for it may help the birds to sing again. Thanks for sharing.