written about a crush I have


If you look like or know of any cute single guys that look like this


e-mail me at ktmcphrsn@aol.com

Gotta walk like him
Gotta talk and act like him
Dreaming tonight of finding a hunk to match up to
Jack Landors
Portrayed so perfectly by Brandon Jay Mclaren
A sexy hero in red with dreads
That's what I'm looking for
To turn me on
You gotta look just his twin
Cos this lady wants only this
My very own Power Ranger
To be my hero tonight

Would you be him?
The lookalike hottie to take my breath away
Step on up and let's see
Send me a picture
A e-mail to prove you are the man
The only man I'll ever want or need
Give my heart an attack
Brave and bold
You gotta grab my attention
In a new and different way
Impress me
If you wanna date me and be....
My very own Power Ranger
To be my hero tonight

Are you sexy?
Are you hot enough to keep up with me?
I'll be anything you want
If you'll be everything that I seek
My lookalike sweetheart
With a smile to make my heart go wild
And a sense of humor too
Also don't hurt if you look damm good in tight bright red spandex
OOh yeah
That will make me like you even better for sure
Only hot chocolate babes like him need apply
Sorry loves but those are the rules
The only kind of man I'll settle for is this
Smooth dark skin and dreadlocks
Makes my knees knock

If you look like him
Brandon Jay Mclaren
Then you just might be able to be......



© 2006 RAMONA THOMPSON (All rights reserved)

Poetry by ramona thompson
Read 1123 times
Written on 2006-02-15 at 18:41

Tags Romance  Love  Lust 

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