The 9 december 2009 was a spectacular light show seen in the north of Norway here is a link so you can see it

The Unbeatable

Now is the time

to connect

to The unbeateable

a civilization

in another dimension

that want to help us here on earth

a good way to connect to them is to do it 7 januari at 19 00 to 20 00 in the evening Greenwich time

they (the whole civilization) will att that hour send energies and pictures (on the inner planes) to support love peace
and harmony for humanity on earth

so when you visualize pease love and harmony to this earth at this hour it will be very strong

many happy greetings

from the Unbeatable

Words by Rockalex
Read 1016 times
Written on 2010-01-05 at 08:16

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Joan Black
This poem is quite informative, rather than artistic, which is a common feature of modern poetry, and prose as well. By and large the poem is nice, and brings pleasure to readers.

Language: 4
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 3