There's a silence in my head,
a great big nothing to endure.
Our love hangs by a thread
and we can't do nothing about it, for sure.

I wish I could love you another way
where simplicity would be my guide.
It's hard to achieve though it's easy to say,
and in that sentence we hide.

We played peek-a-boo for far too long.
The game turned bitter, black and sour.
We danced to the beats of a sad, sad song
as we let ourselves get devoured.

If only a storm had come our way
to cleanse the air between us.
We then could have faced a brand new day
to nurse our love, my precious.

But the great big nothing is in the way
and the blue skies are here to stay.
So I wave farewell from my driveway
and watch as you drive down your highway.

Poetry by Daybreaker
Read 1231 times
Written on 2010-07-30 at 00:18

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