Long time since my last text. I'm sorry, but so much has happened so I couldn't find words. My sea is my last one, and I hope it wouldn't be long till next time:) With Love Tina

My sea

I held me head up high
Never show the world my other face
And my hidden soul

I knew, you always knew
That the boat doesn't stay long in my shore
I feel bad when I hope
But I didn't want you to sail from me

The day has come
No waves on the ocean
No tears will come from my eyes
I will forever keep my pride

A calm wind plays with my face
I see you sail in the sunset
A mist conceals my eyes
Until my sea ones again sees the dawn

Poetry by Tina
Read 981 times
Written on 2006-03-06 at 12:09

Tags Heartbroken 

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Raven Alarco
I think this is an amazing text Tina. It's so sore and painful to read.

Zoya Zaidi
The imagery is absolutely charming the metaphor of the sea is very well thought of, and taken to its logical end, dear Tina.
You have come back with a renewed skill and your talent has been honed with time...
You have not lost your touch, on the contrary enhanced it many times.
Love, xxx, Zoya

Hi ! .. I thought this piece was good . Thought the words flowed beautifully with much thought and love . Hope from this I don't have too wait too long for your next one . Cheers .... Glen ( GB )