all the fun is under suspicion

Right Wrong

We no longer can bump
Into humans with our own honed finesse...
Everyone is a threat in need of assesment.
In need of assesment?
I only want to chuckle some three year olds chin.

Lost concept I suppose.

Chins will remain unchuckled then.
I must dance myself down this endless
Road of uselessness where I must
Never touch on a soul for fear of repercussions.

I will wave to Carolina
As I gather her to me...
I know right from wrong and you should
Ask me about your common sense.

Poetry by jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1176 times
Written on 2011-01-27 at 02:23

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Peter J. Kautsky
one learns much about poetry, reading your work. Pete

Sid Gardner
One has to be careful of chuckling chins especially if you are overweight and wish to ask the time of the next bus. My last chuckling of chins was directed to a red headed thirty..something year old. Got smacked in the gob by her boyfriend..It happened in Macklesfield....

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Hands against the wall, madame. Refusing to allow yourself to be caught up in the hysteria is treason.

Hans Bump
Your words are sculpture that one can enjoy from every angle.
Each section is a treat, the whole is a gift.

Aisha Razem
Always in need for feelings as u dropped in frame of poetry , flying words towards , towards whom ? Humans who diggggs not for love but for lost concepts as you mentioned poetically

Rob Graber
Default assumption:
Everything is a threat
In need of assessment.


You've hit the nail on the head, common sense, I want it back where it belongs, instead of too much health & safety, no fun, no touch. Nicely its' place.

Fun was outlawed by the petronazis years ago. Now the world is scrounging, trying to find Oliver's second helping of porridge and
uses for an overabundance of legal lechers.
;-) cynNick