A Christmas Story

When I look up into the sky
I swear I can see an angel cry
With her silver hair and wings as snow
She is more beautiful than anyone I know

Silent I ask why she is crying
She says her tears is for the people that are dying
But, your tears should be spared to the ones you love
I love all people, every single one

It's too much for me, so unbelievable
I feel so small, as I belong in a cradle
But, don't the people who die come to you?
No, it's not those people I cry for as you do

As a carpet the silent covers us softly
The angel comes down and touched me gently
My sweet child, death is nothing to cry for
But people like you go too early to the shore

My angel of beauty, what do you mean?
I live and laugh, I'm not searching for the sea
No, your eyes don't search but your mind travel
In your dreams

Poetry by Tina
Read 1085 times
Written on 2006-03-12 at 23:04

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Good story
i liked it

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Tina,
Brilliant story, well told, well rhymed, good central idea!

Love it!

Love, xxx, Zoya

Eron Olivier Braden
A very good poem allthough cradle -unbelieveable dont make a good rhyme.