The story of life keeps going from here to there. Tomorrows keep me in sorrows, but todays keep my life in perspective.

Don't Bother with me

Behind this darkness,
Tossed time shreds the silence
As a muffled cry shutters this day,
While my sullen power weeps.

A simple touch, brings me so much,
As God speaks to me, and lets me be
The one who waits for you in the sky,
As all of us grow older in July.

Time seems to let us skim the waves
Under the wisp of these clouds,
While printed valleys of time
Stamp my heart strings into pulp.

Poetry by Morpheus
Read 1220 times
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Written on 2011-07-15 at 05:46

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I believe due to English a second language of mine, I didn't understand much of this poem ... but any means would be able to describe for me more!

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