Wings Of An Angel

Mommy will we have wings when it's our
time in heaven?
Will we wear white like they do?
Will we come to earth and help when they are in need?
Can we go to visit and see our loved ones?
Does it cost us anything to be in heaven?
I have two dimes and one penny will that buy
me time to see the ones I can?
Do I need tears of pain?
Can I walk the pearly gates and open the door
or do I need a key?
Mommy will God show up at my door and say
come my child it's your time to go?
Will he take daddy and you to show me how my
life is to go?
Does God come to earth in a car, in a jet, or does he take
an elevator down.
Well mommy I guess I know now how God comes
and yes mommy I get to wear white.
I love you and I know now that you and daddy will
not be here till it is your time to go.
Your Loving Daughter From Heaven.

Poetry by wbluerose02
Read 619 times
Written on 2006-03-18 at 05:17

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