Shower in the rain

When the sky glooms above my facade,

I memorize that particular situate,

Then I discover the delightful moment,

She has healed me from the chilling torment.


The raindrops falling above,

All I can feel her amorous love,

The zealous kiss and tender touch,

Clinch and cuddle on the couch.


I embrace her very close,

Perfume spreads as the breeze blows,

The whisper of passion with red rose,

Rapture runs all over & it flows.


The blaze of fire is burning higher,

With the unquenchable & thirst desire,

Shower in the rain, reveals the beauty,

Your coyness love is very pretty.


The climate was colorful,

The moment we share was wonderful,

As I hear the droplets sound,

Flashback pours all around.

Poetry by Zalan
Read 1090 times
Written on 2012-10-03 at 08:59

Tags Ecstasy  Rain  Flashback 

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