Solemn survival

My mind is out of order,

I’m trapped within the border,

I’m getting mad,

Barren thoughts that’s all I had.


                  Like others, I’ve also dreams,

                  And chase the sunbeams,

                  I’m hunger for freedom,

                  Can’t stay any longer in boredom,


Wasted one-fourth of my life,

Running after rough strive,

Wanted to soar very high,

Like eagle’s pride in the sky.


                 I’m caged inside the four walls,

                 Have become idle like dolls,

                 I’m dying everyday,

                 Wanted to go beyond, 

                 But I couldn’t find a single way.


Every morning is droning,

And the sunset, it's frowning,

Unfaithful is my deprival,

In the midst of solemn survival.

Poetry by Zalan
Read 1066 times
Written on 2012-10-05 at 04:01

Tags Solemn  Monotonous  Boredom 

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Joan Black
Great text, a very philosophic one.