"Don't play what's there, play what's not there." - Miles Davis


scientists, poets and jazzers
gaze into the abyss
and create order from chaos
fuelled by imagination
they follow a quirky compass
into uncharted territory
harmonizing on internal logic
unafraid of the dissidence
that demands resolution

Poetry by Wumbulu
Read 536 times
Written on 2013-04-12 at 07:40

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Miles grew up a few miles from where I did, though those few miles were a world apart from mine, culturally and racially when such things had very definite and uncrossable boundaries. Davis eventually caused us to cross them in ways my parents would have never thought possible. I love the epigraph and think it says exactly what he did, the "what's not there" until he played it.

Commentally Ill
an odd band you have there (scientists, poets and jazzers) but it seems to work.

*turns up the volume and jams*

Was Miles saying that to Coltrane? If so, C wasn't listening.


Sort of.

I couldn't agree more with the last three lines. "Harmonizing on internal logic" is such a great line, so true, explains so well the creative process. Kudos on these lines (the whole poem). I'm thinking of those two opening notes in "So What" that just hang in the air forever. Resolution is optional.

Very nicely written. I especially like the final two lines, the going forward boldly into the unknown with curious demand.