There are some people you will never forget
Someone who is very dear, someone you loved,
Someone who went before you.
... but you can't stop thinking of her.

How can I ever forget you?

How can I ever forget you?
When I'm seeing you everywhere
Walking the streets and suddenly
You're there, but when you turn around,
it's not you, it can't be true,
I wonder, where are you?

Everywhere I look, you're there
Try to get you out of my mind
Telling me I don't care
But believe me you're back, You're there.

Try not thinking of you
It's getting harder each day
Knowing our love can never be true
I turn my head to the sky and I pray.

My mind is growing dizzier
Every day is foggy and cold
My eyes are turning blurry and gray
I feel insane and old.

When the sun's slowly falling
down the horizon, I'm stalling
The night embraces me with darkness and fears
And I can't hold back my tears.

How can I ever forget you?
When I'm seeing you everywhere
Walking the streets and suddenly
When you turn around, it's not you
I've been mistaken,
Where are you?

Poetry by Richard
Read 1032 times
Written on 2014-05-01 at 03:29

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
I'm with mvvenkataraman on this: Lots of truths in this further example of your skill of writing romantic poetry. Blessings, Allen

A simple, clear and plain write
But, it possesses great might
This poem mesmerizes my mind
Lots of truths, in this, I find.


You will never forget her because she's a part of you. Accept her constant presence in your heart. It's both sad and comforting. Can relate completely.

Nabeela Altaf
Very sad. I really felt this.