Do we really have to go on predetermined paths, be it our life story or writing down a poem.

Just A Random Thought...

Ever wonder a life
Where no time existed
No clocks on the walls
No ambition no pain
No loss no gain
No fate to sustain
No wretched existence of insane
A world...
A world less of miracles
A random mirage of colors
No morals no story
No personal endeavors of glory
No fights no vengeance
No borders no religions
No hope to plant
No faith to haunt
A world with...
No past no future
No surmise no dreams
No good no evil
No bloodshed no screams
No bed time tales of devil
An eye tearless
An entity fearless
No purpose of our descend
No mistakes to amend
But a life...
A life of fickleness
Seconds left unchewed
Minutes munched to the bones
An aeon for the sake of an aeon
No often no seldom
An eternity of freedom
A life without path
A day without math
A poem without rhyme
A script without chyme
words filling the chasm
rhyming back into sarcasm
No arguments no discussions
No insanity with repercussions
Chains of..
Chains of everyday agony
Weight of the repents of past
And helpless future
Broken in one blow
Through thoughts of twisted head
Light shining through a glow
Ignoring the heart instead
Ever wonder
Ever wonder...

Poetry by Amim Akhter
Read 940 times
Written on 2014-12-14 at 11:42

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Brilliant! Poem my friend and awesome thought

Who cannot help wondering if things could be better? Utopias have been establish--they come and they go. All that can be done is to try to make decisions with wisdom and compassion, changing those things that can be changed and making the best of those that cannot be changed. Enjoyed reading your poem.