WE LIKE YOU AS YOU ARE (inspierde by Kshiti Dubbey poem)

You are you
Remain you
Those who
Say out - about
You that is nergertive
They dont know
You at all
So make problems
More fore them selfs
Than you - they blind
Them selfs
To what is before them
Stay as your are - like
Like your self - love your self
Stay true to you - remain your true self
We like you as you are!

ken d williams

The Dyslexic Wordsmith

Poetry by ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 705 times
Written on 2016-02-11 at 11:49

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Kshiti Dubey
Ken! It's been a while since I've got back on poetbay and this was a lovely surprise! :) And every line is true! We should like ourselves as who we are and only then will others like us back. If they don't then they aren't important.

This is a lovely and beautiful poem!

A positive wave

Nice one.