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Callisto Jean

34 years old from Philippines

The latest comments that Callisto Jean has written.

Let Me Be Me

There are so many ways in which people can describe you or ways your actions and capabilities can define you. But in the end, you're just you.

I love the last two lines. It signifies such bottomless hope and happiness.


time and time again, i seem to fall in love.

The thing with love is that you don't choose who you fall in love with but if he doesn't love you for you he's not worth it.

Gahhh I hate contradictory "they said" sayings like that. I wish we really did have strict guidelines when it comes to love. (Which reminds me, we still have yet to write it...) Then if love did have guidelines, sure it wouldn't hurt as much. But it wouldn't be as sweet, as rewarding, as heavenly.

Self-doubt is horrible. But I think arrogance is worse. Is it bad that we prefer being hopeless to feeling so certain?

from the heart.

I hate the truth in this poem. I feel so raw when I read it. It's like dousing a skinned me in salt water. I love it. I love feeling what I really feel. It helps. Therapeutic I think is the word.

*Sigh* We're in the same boat but there's nothing to rejoice about that. :( I wish both of us could "abandon ship" and just start over.

Anyway, hope the princess moves on from her supposed prince charming turned fugly dragon.

Smile for me. =]

Will You Smile For Me?

Short, sweet, simple but expressive of our desires to indulge in simple pleasures as well as our capability to give immense happiness through small acts.


i, me, you, we.

I'd hate for him to confirm this: "...you never loved me".

I'm still hoping, clearly knowing I'll never know, if we meant anything at all to him. Because "heartbroken i still believe in [him] and me forevermore".

Teenage love sucks.

But friends like you are great to have.

Thank for the poem, DJ. I love it.

Cheers to both our broken hearts.

but this was her reality.

This is probably my favourite poem from you I've read. There's no other way to describe it other than truth.

The rhyme scheme just makes it flow. Borrowing words from a friend, it's musical. :)

The last four lines are the best in my opinion.


Reminds me of Grey's Anatomy. Love me. Pick me. Chose me. For me, it was one of the most emotional parts. This poem is just filled with so much emotion.

Have I ever shared this one with you? I can't remember. Here it is anyway :P

Guy: if you could kiss anyone, anywhere, where would it be, and who?
Girl: I would choose to kiss you, in the middle of the street, on the rainiest day of the year..
Guy: Why in the rain?
Girl: Because then you couldn't see my tears when you go back to her..

Both stories make my heart ache everytime. I hope you never have to go through this pain, DJ.

Love's True Heart


It reminds me of a quote. Not quite sure how it goes word to word but it says something about love is not without pain, so go for the one who makes the pain worth it.

God Whispers

I thoroughly enjoyed how you broke the poem up. It had a great impact on the flow. It was very calm, peaceful, and gentle...just like God. :)

I enjoyed the incorporation of music and the broken heart and how you described them. I'm not sure if you meant the internal rhyme when you were describing the music but I liked it.

I also want to draw attention to how you incorporate the readers with the question "Listen/Do you hear it?". It makes it more personal that you're reaching out and interacting with your readers.

Great job,

home/you sick

I like the short and direct lines. To me, it shows the urgency coming from the narrator. At the same time, word choice emitts a lonely vibe. Creat combination! The rhyme scheme was fun too. XD

Um...you said 'suck' instead of 'stuck'. Sorry, I just found it a little distracting. Also, I tried looking up cachin. (I can't find it.) What does it mean? I'm a bit of a word freak.

Ah, I forgot to mention I'm fond of the last bit 'cause I'm a romantic like that. ;D

Painter's Brush

Beautiful poem. The first two lines are very romantic. Then you had the third line contrasting to that. I liked the fact that there was only one line like that. From this, I felt like you were telling us the bad shouldn't overpower the good just because it exists.

I loved the flow of this poem. I'm ginving the credit to your wonderful phrases because it made the flow fit with the emotion being conveyed. I enjoyed the last phrase the best "framed incarceration"! I thought that was brilliant.

The comparison was enjoyable. It takes on a different angle that I expected.



I absolutely understand every emotion you're trying to convey in this poem! I think everyone will. It's very clear.

I enjoyed these lines specifically: "I ride just above the hot warm breath that is spewed out from your lifeless sayings", "By describing our little fable", and the final two lines "For as quickly as im here/I am gone".

I very much enjoyed how you personified the subject. It made me think of wind which (I feel) is similar. It helped evoke understanding and appreciation. I love the word choice; the use of hundred dollar words were refreshing: grandiose and quandary. The flow was generally smooth.

The only thing I would try to improve upon is the punctuation. It would make the flow a lot better.

Fantastic job,


I absolutely understand every emotion you're trying to convey in this poem! I think everyone will. It's very clear.

I enjoyed these lines specifically: "I ride just above the hot warm breath that is spewed out from your lifeless sayings", "By describing our little fable", and the final two lines "For as quickly as im here/I am gone".

I very much enjoyed how you personified the subject. It made me think of wind which (I feel) is similar. It helped evoke understanding and appreciation. I love the word choice; the use of hundred dollar words were refreshing: grandiose and quandary. The flow was generally smooth.

The only thing I would try to improve upon is the punctuation. It would make the flow a lot better.

Fantastic job,


This makes me smile... okay... grin proudly and half-idiotically. Yey, feminism!

This poem is so refreshing. It's very original with no clichéd lines. I just love the first two lines! And I want to own that simile you have, "slam souls as if they were wooden doors". XD

Terrific job!

Matrix of loneliness

I appreciate this poem a lot. It conveys something a lot of people I know, including me, have gone through.

I find your poem very concise about the emotions. Even though you don't state them directly, the way you've put the poem together expresses the emotions very clearly.

To me, your poem's flow is slow and almost lethargic because of the length of how you broke it down. It may sound bad or you might not have meant it in that way, but I feel that it's very effective considering the topic. It comes across as someone who's really tired and lonely.

I really, really, beyond words enjoyed this.
