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falling leavespic arquious 2022-10-29
winterverse (1) pic arquious 2022-10-28
welcome to my limbo (1) arquious 2022-10-26
black rosepic arquious 2022-10-24
witless waxing (2) arquious 2022-10-22
coaster poetry arquious 2022-10-21
murder at the Kaisarion arquious 2022-10-19
timed travel (1) arquious 2022-10-18
Licenced to Keel (1) arquious 2022-10-17
through the night (1) pic arquious 2022-10-16
advance of the hermit of Chester (1066A.D.) (2) pic arquious 2022-10-15
karaoke verse arquious 2022-10-14
until the next post arquious 2022-10-13
café poetics arquious 2022-10-13
singularitypic arquious 2022-10-12
Strindberg's Principlepic arquious 2022-10-11
fourteen billion (1) arquious 2022-10-10
sunrising sunset arquious 2022-10-07
a good cup (1) arquious 2022-10-06
A Tale of Two Geese (1) pic arquious 2022-10-05

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