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What Care I (1) Albert 2005-11-19
Remains. (1) John Ashleigh 2005-10-19
Apostles of the New Age (3) Sofiul Azam 2005-10-14
"Never alone"- but the loss will always be there (1) Jeanette 2005-10-13
In the red.... (3) macpherson 2005-10-13
"Cry" She Said (2) Esti D-G 2005-10-12
Poems from "French Fries" (3) Sofiul Azam 2005-10-12
Forever loved (3) Bobbie 2005-10-12
Troub1es fading. (6) John Ashleigh 2005-10-11
Still haunted (8) penfold18 2005-10-11
Bob's Proverb (2) Mark Reynolds 2005-10-11
Like a helping angel? (3) Jeanette 2005-10-10
The Message (7) Elizabeth 2005-10-10
insomnia (7) thea 2005-10-09
Tears in Time. (4) penfold18 2005-10-09
Bobby (4) Esti D-G 2005-10-08
Translations from the French: Unpublished (1) Sofiul Azam 2005-10-08
Summer in the North (2) Sofiul Azam 2005-10-07
TIME (3) penfold18 2005-10-07
I love you! (4) Jeanette 2005-10-04

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