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TAG NAME Passion

The Romantic Flame (10) Kathy Lockhart 2006-09-06
It wasn't the bullets it was the look in your eyes (7) Andy 2006-08-15
With All The Passion That Is In Me by M.A.Meddings (10) lastromantichero 2006-07-10
Gently Do The Whispers Fall (13) Zoya Zaidi 2006-05-06
Thinking out loud (3) night soul woman 2006-04-21
PASSION AND PLEASURE (6) Kathy Lockhart 2006-04-18
Consumated Love by M.A.Meddings (4) lastromantichero 2006-04-12
Sweet Passion (6) IronicBanana 2006-02-03
Who's karma? (1) Arranging_words 2005-12-28
Moon lit. (2) John Ashleigh 2005-11-04
Elemental Passion (6) Tyr-fira 2005-10-18

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