and the Hallway Crush

The Invisible Spiderman

almost invisible,
you might not know I'm there,
like a whisper on the wind,
a ray of sun,
I appear.

in a flash,
squint your eyes to try to see,
but gone again,
and without knowing,
you walk right into me.

you pull me off,
like walking through a ghost,
you tug at things,
my heart strings,
which is what hurts the most.

to make my presence known,
to little or no avail,
and like a spiderweb,
I'm invisible,
and once again I fail.

Poetry by Shas Ramlogan
Read 865 times
Written on 2016-10-25 at 03:37

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Kathy Lockhart
This is so sweet. I love the analogies. They are perfect. If I were a young lady and a young man wrote me a poem like this, I would most certainly notice him. He would never be dismissed again. :)

Language: 5
Format: 5
Mood: 5
Overall: 5