Does anybody here feel my pain?

I am locked in this stature ---
Of a wife,
Of a daughter,
Of a sister,
Of an aunt,
Of a worker,
And of a dreamer.

I am stuck with other people's feelings. Feelings that controlled me all over the years. The feelings that imprisoned me almost all my life. The feeling of pleasing others, even if it means---
My own pain.

Does anybody here feel my pain? The pain that stabbed the deepest part of my heart --- that drained the deepest of my all.
I am in pain.
Does anybody here feel the same?

Poetry by Zelle
Read 902 times
Written on 2017-04-05 at 11:21

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alarian The PoetBay support member heart!
I understand, some time others's feelings are like the air I breathe

Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Yes I do feel it

Kathy Lockhart
Oh yes, what you write, I feel it.

Ivan R
Great text. I felt it.