
I saw a little girl sitting on the street
There she was enduring the scorching heat
She's wearing rags and no sandals on her feet
In her silence, I can feel her weep

I stared at her, she seem too tired
I glanced her eyes, it is about to cry
I saw her curl and hugged her knee
An obvious sign that she is hungry

So I went to her and gave her food
But I was surprised by the sudden change of mood
I saw her kneel and took the bread
She raised it up as she began to pray

This little girl sitting on the street
Made me fall into my feet
Even with nothing she knows how to give thanks
She maybe little but she had a very big faith

Poetry by Zelle
Read 1051 times
Written on 2014-11-27 at 15:57

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I think that whether one is religious or not, it is a good thing to have an attitude of gratefulness. It takes a poem like this, or the 6:00 news, to make me remember how fortunate I am.