An Orwellian rant.

Acronymic Apoplexia

Candidate for Congress Ron Dellums,
a black man,
came to visit us in
the newsroom of the Daily Californian,
the campus newspaper of
the University of California
at Berkeley to speak to us
about students being niggers.
"Today the student is a nigger,"
Dellums said as he held forth
that as students we were being
used as political pawns
during the Viet Nam war.
Some of us were sitting there
with our mouths open
in shock as the "N word"
came out of Dellums' mouth.
We lived through many
shocking experiences in those years
to the extent that nobody
would be so stupid
as to speak of
an "N word."
The objective mind
of the sixties would have
no clue as to what it meant.
As I recall, the "N word"
originated as a meaningful idiom
with F. Lee Bailey cross examining
Detective Fuhrman "marine to marine"
in the O.J. Simpson trial.
Since then, the "N word"
has become a mot de guerre,
of the contemporary
sophisticated patois.
I am waiting for someone
to ask Omarosa,

"What do you mean by the "N word?"
What word are you
referring to Omarosa?
The "N word" could stand for
given the reverence with which
it is handled.
I am looking forward to
the denuclearization of the
"N word."
It's such a convenient nuke
in the hands of people who
pretend ignorance of the broad
meaning of words and our
lives which would allow
Congressman Ron Dellums to
call me a nigger.

Poetry by Peter J. Kautsky
Read 988 times
Written on 2018-08-20 at 16:04

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