Living in nursing home by Ann Wood

The nursing home is inhabited by people with health problems and dementia.
They all need help with their daily routine.
Some of them need constant care, and others need to be motivated and supported.
They all need to be love and feel that they are not alone.
Some of them like to join different activities during the day, such as gardening, cooking, poetry club, knitting, and embroidery or painting, singing, and dancing.
Others prefer to stay in their room and read or watch TV, or go out in the garden and listen to the birds.
Some have no relatives or are far from them and come to see them rarely.
Others have families coming to see them every week or every day.
In the nursing home, there live older adults with dementia, but they all are people like us who have feelings and can be very lonely some times.
But not all nursing homes are for old and sick people, and there are also for young adults and children's homes for people with health problems.
They all need to be loved and surrounded with a lot of care and attention.

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 269 times
Written on 2020-07-13 at 18:38

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