Sentinels Of Old

Ancient trees
Standing gaurd
Like sentinels of old

Holding me in
Their strong arms
Silently watching

Protecting me
Inside my
Sacred space

Magic is afoot
Whispers among
The gaurdians

Gently swaying
In the breeze
Energy raised

The ancient ones
Swaying to their own
Swirls of power

Leaves shimmering to
Their own primitive beat

Poetry by Queen
Read 766 times
Written on 2005-08-16 at 06:29

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chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
the guardians of nature - they will never leave! ok sad pun there but i couldn't leave it alone :)

Commentally Ill
does a jerky sort of dance to the primitive beat. (better get out of here before i start acting even more primitive, swinging from the trees and eating bananas, that sorta thing-i am highly suggestible :P) ;)