I just have a thing for pirate poems. I know the words are not spelled right. Its pirate talk.

Cabin Boy

I be lookin fer a new cabin boy, send yer notice to the Queen,
I want a fairly handsome man, with talents known but not seen.

He must be a quick wit, with muscles galore,
Doin every task when summoned to me door.

Must be willin to wear his knickers skin tight,
Jolly on the spot to help in any fight.

Ready at all times to jump to me command,
Savvy in all matters on sea or on land.

I prefer a man with blonde hair, green or blue eyed,
Don't be shy, I be settin sail on the evenin tide.

I be willin to train, only if the right man applies,
I kin over look a lot, if he be agile and spry.

Poetry by Queen
Read 965 times
Written on 2005-10-16 at 04:44

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chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
i would like to apply for the position you seek, but alas i have no fecking feet, all i have are little blue wheels, and a bottle of rum with a broken seal.

skin tight knickers :o ohhh the circulation.