Chocolate Covered Cherries

Chocolate covered cherries, I could eat them all day,
Sweetness dripping down my chin, delicious, what can I say.

Something I keep to myself a secret love affair,
Sweet filled lust, something chocolate and I share,

Chocolate covered cherries can always give me a lift,
I really love it when I recieve a whole box for a gift.

Even the pretty wrapper is so sensuous to me,
Chocolate, creamy red and sexy filling me with glee.

I live for chocolate cherries they fill me to the top,
If I could dive in chocolate, I would never stop.

Chocolate covered cherries make me feel all aglow,
My love for chocolate is something I will never outgrow.

Poetry by Queen
Read 1352 times
Written on 2005-09-14 at 07:01

Tags Happiness 

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Amy Buchanan
Yeeees! I love this poem. I am addicted to chocolate covered cherries. They are my favorite candy besides Cadbury Eggs. I can eat 12 or more in one sitting. I even have a recipe to make them but I have not tried the recipe yet. I would like to buy 50 boxes and put them in the freezer to eat all year long. Thank you for writing this poem.

Oh---this one made me hungry--I adore them as well!
2005-10-13 Moods The PoetBay support member heart!
:D im not crazy about chocolate but said like that it sure gives an irresistible urge to grab a box and fill ones face hehe ;) delightful pleasure shared... you convinced me for sure :)

later... xx

yum, does anyone happen to have any chocolate cherry tree seeds??? :)

chasingtheday The PoetBay support member heart!
mmmmm mouth watering, delicious, my mum has a cherry tree in her garden, alas, they are not chocolate covered :p i want some chocolate now, but none here :(( i'll have to settle with chewing my toenails :D