Spring After The Storm

A swiftening, sweet scent slung onto the breeze,
as it reaches me -
I. Breathe. Deep!

The tiniest chill, the last gasp of winter,
clings to the air now wet on my skin.
Sunshine and freckles
Barefeet and sundress'd.

Warm beams dance around me
as rustling leaves play a soft tune.
What can pass for dancing, does.
What is a smile but voiceless laughter?

... There were many dark days to get here.
Fear-drenched shadows in perspirering shakes.
Long, empty-hearted moments and hollow days.
Bones been dry and drug a ways...

Sloughed-up tongue, words war-worn and battle torn -
said, but dead.
No meaning.
Breast - a funny word - with space etched out where beating should be,
not so funny now.
Humours need to be humorous, not flowing.

Time, a fickle mistress
- how long ago was it now?
When the mud was still soaked to my heel?
When did the dust settle so?

The day brings light,
and now it warms me.
No longer do I cling to the shadows that once were home,
it was not today, but somewhen, I came to be in the light and it in me.

Never before can my heart have said
"Sweet are the darling buds of May"
and known how sweet they were,
how sweet and how true.

Simple and omni-present is beauty when found,
if only I had been looking with my eyes open.
For when shut, darkness and light only in shades of dread
and open?
Melodies entreat and peace, in me, found its seat.

Poetry by Sarah Parnes
Read 439 times
Written on 2021-03-26 at 03:08

Tags Spring  Heart  New 

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josephus The PoetBay support member heart!
This envelopes the reader with a swirl of emotions. Beautifully crafted Bravo!

one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
I fell into this poem is a big way, in a very good way.