Michael sits on wooden steps

Michael sits on wooden steps
and whistles a song that his
grandfather knew.
He tries in vain to stay
in tune.

Michael sits on wooden steps
and taps his two feet like his
grandfather did
He tries in vain to keep
the beat.

Michael sits on wooden steps
and squints his blue eyes like his
grandfather would
He tries in vain just to
hug him.

Poetry by Hans Bump
Read 347 times
Written on 2021-04-29 at 04:29

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautiful and very poignant, I could see Michael vividly

Elle x

This to me is so poignant, seems to speak the of loss. I can visualise Michael on the steps.

I like this a lot, Hans. An affecting theme, and a beautifully structured poem.