day in the life where nothing goes right.


The hairdryer sucks
It blows out the cold,
The oven don't cook,
If the truth could be told.
The pages are missing
from the back of my book.
Plates in the sink
All covered in mould
Old freezer runs hot,
If I prayed to my lord
I'd say thanks a lot.
The microwaves bust,
The car doesn't work
It just sits there and rust.
The stair lift just sits
All covered in hairs,
As though it remembers
The day it went up the stairs

The lawnmower fuse it did blow,
Said to the kids, " That's what you get
For cutting grass in the snow".
Fixing things with what I am saddled,
Drinking to much my minds gone an addled.
Take the goose for a walk,
skin the cat, The goldfish deflea,
Dog on the mat.
scooped up the old cat an dog food
Left on the floor,
Just as came a knock on the door.
Nowhere to put it as she came in the room.
The head fell off the rest of the broom.
Stuck it in a pot carried on stirring,
old biddy stuck finger in pot
said, "Tastes very nice.
I think would taste better if it was hot".
Listening nervously to the thing that she said,
"But if you want it to go further,
Fill it out with corn flour an bread".
all things gone wrong what could I do,
They sat down for dinner,
As the old biddy served up the stew.
Putting my hand over my plate,
"No thanks I said I already ate".
Thumps up for the meal I took off the floor.
I left the house through the front door,
To go down to the pet shop
To buy them some more.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 307 times
Written on 2021-08-18 at 23:06

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Sounds like home to me :-)

Elle x

John holliday
nice one Alan a few wry smiles as I read through