does love have rules or is it something that just happens? Maybe rules aren't neccessary but maybe they are.

Rules Of Love

Is the mysterious emotion love confined or concealed by rules. Does this emotion have reasonable doubt? Or does it just overwhelm the heart. If love had rules would lovers fall in love at first glimpse or at first site? Do the rules of love even exist or is it legating in space waiting to take place. Waiting for lovers to convict that one wish. To piece it together is that the lover's gift. To love an emotion that hardly exists. Are the rules of love an inspiration to love or is love and rebellious emotion that can't be control without the soul of your mate in other words your soul mate. The soul mate that ceases the heartache that is cause by loves ache. The ache that takes control of the gate that love congregates. The love that you want can't revive the broken pieces of you life that the rules of love have began to take. Bit by bit you think that you had committed a mistake because the rules of love is your one true restraint.

Poetry by Love Angel
Read 707 times
Written on 2006-06-18 at 20:19

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Malin Johansson
I think that the power of love breaks all the rules... Love is the biggest and greatest power of them all...

Love Knight
Rules of Love.........Follow them for the rest of your life. Never break the law. and never break a heart. thank you