For You I Will

For you I will lay down my life
For you I would step right in front of a knife.

For you I will go to the sky for the stars
For you I will capture everything that is ours.

For you I will cry when I feel you pain
For you I will be an umbrella to keep you from the rain.

For you I will put my feelings aside
through whatever goes one I'll be down to ride.

I'm a ride or die chick
I'm an angel of love
I'm one of God's messengers sent from above.

For you I will cry even if I don't know why
For you I will sing and you can hear heaven ring.

If you told me to jump I would 'cause I trust you
If you told me to fly I would 'cause believe you would be there
If you told me to lie I would 'cause I know you would have a reason.

For you I'll do anything I want you to know
There's no limits for our love it doesn't matter I'm willing to go

-I Love You-

Poetry by Love Angel
Read 1010 times
Written on 2006-06-30 at 10:35

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This was really sweet, and dangerous at the same time. I love how much you wrote about trust, and how you open yourself up to it, i wish i could do that. Thia poem really made me think, and i though it was a great read.