Love is something that is true and it's sometimes not the easiest thing to express to someone.

Our Love

Love is something that's supposed to be true and I am so happy I can share it with you.
No other girls can take my place my thoughts of you can't be erased.
How long did it take you to fall in love? Was it a gift from our God above?
No one can love me the way that you do and I'm happy to say that I love you too.
My deepest feelings are expressed if you change a little I won't love you less
When it comes to my honesty and love you can trust me my love is strong for you there's nothing else that it could be
Our love is our love is sincere and I thank God I have you here.

Poetry by Love Angel
Read 1392 times
Written on 2006-06-18 at 21:00

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THIS is love.

Love Knight
Well-done. i know that you really love this one boy. good work.