No one can come in between true love. No one else's opinions mattera it's just between the two lovers. "Love can be many things but love can never be kept a SECRET"

Hidden Secret

I have a hidden secret that no one should know and if everything was up to me I'd tell everyone I know.
It sounds kind of silly to love someone and hide it but there's only a few people I can confide in.
I don't like to sneak and hide my feelings of happiness kept inside
This is my deepest secret ever and I would love to be with my secret for the worse or for the better.
I love my secret with all my heart and I will do anything I can to keep us from falling apart
My secret has all of my heart
All of my love and I am thankful to my God above
My hidden secret makes me happy and that's all that matters
Through thick and thin were there for each other. I don't care what people think not even my mother
My love is my hidden secret and there will be a day when my secret is let free
And everyone in the world will give us peace and let us be.

Poetry by Love Angel
Read 1252 times
Written on 2006-06-19 at 00:01

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Love Knight
Real Talented. I guess you have a talented love. Love speaks words. What is your heart telling you, because these words are precious.