Follows the thread of "Pandora's Box"

Boxes gathering dust

Circle back
Creak open that door, down in the hallway filled with dust
The one cast in darkness at the very bottom of the stairs

The one I shut to no longer be haunted
to no longer regret and shame myself

Circle back
We open the box of horrors, not to dwell on them

I take a breath and reach my hand in
eyes open, focused

touching gently upon the horrors,
don't dwell, don't let it last
summarizing neatly,
don't get lost in tangents, they won't help or heal

Suddenly finding a solid, glimmering thing
Spreading warmth up my fingers, a jolt of life to my chest

Pulling out decisions made to protect, to draw lines, to give myself a fighting chance

I was young, but oh my
was I brave

She is still within me

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 296 times
Written on 2021-11-18 at 06:46

Tags Identity  Anxiety  Boundaries 

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one trick pony The PoetBay support member heart!
I connected with this, and appreciated it ~~~