Being close to someone when your far. united in your hearts

Separated But Together

Even when were apart were together through our love.
We look at the same sky with the same stars above

We worship the same God and we've been blessed the same way
We think of each other every second of every minute of everyday

The stronger our love the better we are
Our love is inseparable no matter how far

We're separated but together
Were so close but yet so far
We're the same but still so different

While were apart I'm dreaming of you and hopefully your dreaming of me too

It is possible to be separated but together

Poetry by Love Angel
Read 1299 times
Written on 2006-06-19 at 22:57

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me and my love have recently been seperated by distance and our hearts are always together

Beautiful write. Like, WOW.

Love Knight
I LOVVVVVVVVVE THISS. i felt butterflies in my stomach, and how beautiful you sound, i KNOW he is dreaming about you, maybe even right now.