Best Friend

You're able to talk to me when I have problems
Just like a best friend

You keep me company when I;m lonely
Just like a best friend

You make me smile when I'm down
Just like a best friend

I can joke around and be myself around you
Just like a best friend

But unlike a best friend you have all my heart and my unconditional love

Unlike a best friend I'll do ANYTHING I can to make you happy

But just like a best friend you keep me hanging on when things get tough

You are my boyfriend, my best friend and the one that keeps me happy

Thank you for being my best friend and more!!

Poetry by Love Angel
Read 1363 times
Written on 2006-06-21 at 09:59

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Nagamuthu Osho

fRIENDSHIP is rare, when real if they share their feelings.
O two body with a single soul.

Your poem is lovely, beauty with purity.
God Bless you.

Yours truly,

Amanda K
lucky is ur friend.

well he is lucky to have you as a best or boy friend!!!! well done my dear!!!!kissess

Love Knight
I guess ppl can be best friends and lover.
I know your love considers you as HIS bestfriend(and more)lol