Mind space

Take me to the place,
With no miseries,
To a land full of glories!
To a land where
Ego dies and
Gives birth to
The Phoenix with
Sparkle in it's eyes,
Calmness in it's mind
And peace in it's heart!
Where knowledge is free
And the soul sails free,
Take me to that place,
Not known by any,
Not ruled by money,
Let me stay there,
Forever and after!

Poetry by Nkp
Read 179 times
Written on 2022-09-18 at 15:31

Tags Mind  Glory  Phoenix 

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The human mind, develops, all the time. Right up to the end. A writer tells of this, the readers find out of all of this.
Ken D.

Language: 5
Mood: 4
Overall: 5