To all those heroes out there.
No matter what, you have no fear
Raising from slumber
When others see you
They have no answer
For what had occurred
You were just an angel
Walking under the sun
Catching butterflies
Searching for the moon
Dressed in your favourite
The pink one, no matter what
You just wanted to have some fun
You had no idea,
on what might Pass
across you, you just chilled
admiring the Almighty's creation.
Lo! Came the beast, for not searching for his beauty
But to deceive the Almighty
He shattered you, for no reason
And no one showed any concern!
He abandoned you!
Amidst the cold roads!
Let the reign of humanity begin.
Let's align all the pieces
And try to create a masterpiece
To give you justice,
Rest in peace! My angel, rest in peace!
Poetry by Nkp
Read 257 times
Written on 2022-09-21 at 05:40
Tags Victim  Beast  Beauty 
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There you lie, covered in white!No matter what, you have no fear
Raising from slumber
When others see you
They have no answer
For what had occurred
You were just an angel
Walking under the sun
Catching butterflies
Searching for the moon
Dressed in your favourite
The pink one, no matter what
You just wanted to have some fun
You had no idea,
on what might Pass
across you, you just chilled
admiring the Almighty's creation.
Lo! Came the beast, for not searching for his beauty
But to deceive the Almighty
He shattered you, for no reason
And no one showed any concern!
He abandoned you!
Amidst the cold roads!
Let the reign of humanity begin.
Let's align all the pieces
And try to create a masterpiece
To give you justice,
Rest in peace! My angel, rest in peace!
Poetry by Nkp
Read 257 times
Written on 2022-09-21 at 05:40
Tags Victim  Beast  Beauty