I'm sorry if I missed your post's,
my fellow poets I'd raise my hat
For sharing your idiosyncrasies
Of your life's your loves your fear's
I've only been here a couple of years.
It seems that poets have been around,
Drawing and writing there aspersions.
Since time immemorial,
Some unfortunately had to go to ground.
How many caveman poems have we missed,
About Adam and Eve and the way they kissed.
The Egyptians wrote about the ifs buts and ands,
Of how the pyramids rose out of grains of sand.
Even the cowboys of old folklore,
Wrote there poems on toilet doors.
Some they etched them in using a Bowie knife,
I wonder if a few found trouble from there wife's.
Although your all silent now,
The writer's from all our yesteryears.
To each and every one that's long since past,
To all of you I never knew I'd like to raise a glass.
Imbibe a few metaphoric drinks off beers,
With my fellow poets I'd just like to say cheers.
Your immortality will live on as the poet's
of yesteryears.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 121 times
Written on 2022-12-07 at 01:14

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arquious The PoetBay support member heart!
An homage to be able to have our scribbles up in adulation of those who have come before us!