Little Lump of Lava

I burst forth from the volcano of creation
a single stream of lava, my sister streaming larger
broader ahead of me
I followed in her path for a while
watching carefully the smoke billowing, the ashes settling around me and in my ever hardening shape

while the other streams seemed to harden around me
I stayed supple, until I shattered and broke, no heat to hold me together


The ocean found me, and I raged through its swirling storms
a cloud of ash and sand streaming from place to place

Finally finding my own little beach


On this beach millennia pushed at me and I pushed back, finding my crude and glittering form

These days I sit in my favourite river, becoming smooth and rolling as I watch life evolve around me

At peace

Poetry by SecretWords The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 244 times
Written on 2023-01-28 at 04:13

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