The Fourth Primary Color

Not one eye on earth

Not one person of birth

Has seen a fourth primary colour

Not one flower

growing in ground

can boast of getting around

blue, red and yellow

all the hues these three blend into being

a fourth primary colour

Not one eye can lay any claim to seeing.

Primary, Secondary and Thirdly...

These all the colours Earthly

Fourth; primary colour.

What possibly could you be?

A note beyond 88 keys?

Poetry by Rielle Vobi
Read 117 times
Written on 2023-08-13 at 19:24

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France England
The fourth primary colour stands clear as an engineer's set of piano skeleton fixtures intangible. They are there but only to the eyes and ears of the thirst hearts that long for Shakespeare's empty canvas. You dear poet a class act beyond anything I've read in a decade. You've given me the honor and pleasure to see your world and for that I'm greatly humbled. This is genius. Thank you

Uncle Meridian The PoetBay support member heart!
I like that last image a lot!