Happy birthday to my sister in heart Nina by Ann Wood

Happy birthday Nina
A leaf falls from the calendar, and you celebrate your birthday.
Today, everyone will wish you a happy birthday, but you will be happy when I wish you one.
Today the flowers and the gardens bloom for you, and the birds sing their song in your honor.
Today I will raise a glass of ruinous wine in your honor, and I will drink to your health.
I wish you the longevity of eagles, may you be strong as a rock and wise as an heir.
May God bless you on your birthday and grant you long life, health, happiness, joy, luck, beriket and many successes.
Happy birthday Nina, with love. light and peace forever yours Annie.

Poetry by Ann Wood The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 132 times
Written on 2023-11-15 at 09:47

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