Shall I About Yours Then?


- really a big pet-peeve of mine is to be commented on about my size... and it always happens wherever I go... and I'm just not getting used to it ...


I'm normal-sized now, 5'3", 125 lbs... they would have freaked seeing me years ago... I was between 107 lbs - 122 lbs until about 4 years ago... of course, I never said any of what I'm writing here to these people who make a big deal about my size... no, but I mean, they really make a big, big deal about it... it's very uncomfortable... their reactions are over the top, in my view... and it's been two years now, get over it I'm inclined to feel at this point...


the thing people don't know is that my hEDS prevents my stomach from working properly and I don't feel hunger... so clearly, overeating isn't a problem for me, but only because of a physical issue... I shared that with a colleague who often talks about her weight issues, and she seriously said that she wished she had that problem... :/ 


women and weight... I don't know what to say... 




See, what you don't realize

Is if I were as blunt as you

Are being with me right now

Gasps would break out around us


See, you're commenting

On my size and how petite it is

And making a public spectacle

With your exclamations about it


See where I'm going with this?

What would my exclamations be

If I were to do the same about yours?

Shall I be as blunt as you and say it?


See, you're by no means petite

One would say quite honestly large

So shall I also dwell on your size

The same way you obssess over mine?


See, you may dream to be my size

But it doesn't remove the fact

That it's just not on to comment like that

What on earth is the matter with you?


How is what you're doing

Any more appropriate than

If I was as blunt as you're being?

Why you'd think I'd like it eludes me


So, have you imagined the reverse yet?

What's different about it, do tell?

See, I make no difference between the two

Would it be too much to leave my size out?


It has no element of pride for me

And I detest attention to my physicality

See, you need to get that out of your head

I don't view my size the way you do at all


So, it's enough already

There's such a thing as politeness


Diary by IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 109 times
Written on 2024-07-31 at 01:03

Tags Annoyance  Rant 

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Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
You should see my grandson, skinny as a rack
He lives on junk food. Personally it doesn't matter
What size you are, it's what's inside that counts.
If carol has a meal at lunch time she's too full.
Me I have a well cultivated beer belly.
Without drinking the beer.
Regards Alan and Carol.

Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
Politeness? Discretion? You'll have to remind me what those things are.

I think that some overweight people call attention to their size to ward off comments others might make.

Sameen The PoetBay support member heart!
Fucking amazing. I love this. You tell em sister